Wow, I never thought switching from a PC to an Apple would be such a big deal. It IS! I am cracking my learning curve quickly though and I just finished one of the women’s sections on Thunderstruck 4.5: REALITY. Editing is going well and no question TS5 this August is going to be a bad-ass film!!
I am also switching to a new PC for this web site’s updates and BSX bookkeeping chores. My $4000.00 Sony VAIO pretty much blew up on me so it is garbage out the door. While I switch things over from this OLD computer (right now I’m typing on the same computer I edited Thunderstruck 1 on!!) to the new one I need your patience as I will not be able to update this site with the specials that are going on. When I get back up (hopefully next week sometime), I will have special prices on the CALENDARS, TS4, and several other items on our site. Also, watch soon for pre-sales on TS4.5: REALITY and bigger and better and more TS DVD package deals! From this OLD computer, this last transmission to is both a blessing and a tear-jerker. . . This computer has seen every part of Thunderstruck since day 1. Every picture, every video clip, every logo, every band’s song. To this old computer, HURRAH!