Nick England Rider photo


Birthday: October 1, 1986
Hometown: Springdale, Newfoundland
Occupation: Power lineman
Favourite riding area: Gros Morne Park, Newfoundland and Wyoming 😉
Favourite Food: T-Bone Steak, spaghetti, and “Mom’s Cooked dinner”
Favourite Music: Electro house and dubstep
My Sled: Polaris RMK 600 Turbo!
Riding specialty: Technical
Pastimes/hobbies: Sledding, physical Fitness, working on my Sled, movies, Video games, photography

Favourite quote: “GET TO THE CHOPPER” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

About me: I was born and raised in Newfoundland. There is no place like home but I still love to see new places and meet new people. That’s one thing I love about snowmobiling, the change of scenery. I have identical twin little girls who’s names are Madison and Abigail. So between My kids, work, and sledding, there’s not much time left over!

Special Thanks: I would like to thank my cameraman Shane Cameron for doing a great job behind the lens. A huge thanks go out to Rob Clarke Motor Sports, Kurt’s Polaris, and the Flying saddle for an awesome trip to Wyoming with some awesome people I now call friends! Thank you to Klim, ArcticFX, Slydogskis, and Firstplace Parts for supporting me with some of the best gear in the industry and last and most importantly I would like to thank Jim Phelan for making all this happen. It’s been a dream come true and I’m proud to be a part of Team Thunderstruck!